Sunday, December 7, 2008

They're Coming To Take Me Away.

So this is my first blog on here and I am trying to think about what to write. I realised when writing a comment on my friend's blog that I had to create an account and if so why not make the most of it and start blogging myself.

I am thinking that the title of Stray Cat Blues does sound a bit... depressing but I couldn't think of a title that didn't sound tacky or lame or just plain stupid so I chose the title of the song I was listening Stray Cat Blues by the Rolling Stones. A brilliant song by the way and definitely one of my favourites. I love the guitar solo at the end.

Perhaps I should go on about my weekend. That'll fill in some lines. Saturday day was BAD BAD BAD. I had to put up with my parents acting like complete idiots and all I wanted to do was escape. Mum went out for a few hours so there was relief there and I was glad she was out because I was more mad at her for not been able to control her temper. When she was home in the morning all she did was yell and bang things around and scared our dog Zoe who hates loud noises. Zoe then came into my room because as you can understand she was scared and when she's scared she comes to me. I then had to spend the next little while calming Zoe down. When Mum left I brought Zoe downstairs and she never left my side. After a while Dad and I decided to get some lunch. We had fish and chips which we ate in the car. We were going to bring them home but on the way decided to go and buy some cherries from Red Hill. These are cherries picked fresh from the trees the same day and taste so decadent and juicy and you get the picture. So we take them home and Mum and Dad start at each other straight away. So I came into my room and hibernated for a while, with the ipod music turned right up and a book in my hand trying to escape their stupidity and pettiness. After a while I got restless and I knew I had to do something. So I grabbed my idock with the ipod in it, brought it downstairs along with the Christmas tree and the tree decorations and proceeded to put the tree up. While doing that I called my brother Lindsay who was at a work function in St Kilda and later on Crown Casino and told him to come home late because of our parents antics. About a minute later he called me to find out what was going on and told me to either stay in my room or to call my other brothers and see if I could spend the night there. My brothers have always been more protective of me than my sister. Maybe its because I am the older one and they learnt to be more relaxed with my sister Jessica. They all have big brother syndrome. I decided to stay home and keep working on the tree with help from my friends Black Douglas and Coke. While working on the tree Dad went to see my brothers for about an hour. While gone Mum came downstairs and had finally settled down. Then Lisa came over because she needed to have a major bitch session. She always seems to come to our house when she needs one those because it is a good stumbling distance between our houses. Her family have been treated poorly by a local bookstore who's idea of customer service leaves something to be desired. So Mum, Lisa and I talked while listening to music and Lisa and I did double shots of Black Douglas and Coke and I continued to put the tree up. Lisa left I think around 9.30pm. Shortly before she did Dad came home and at least he and Mum finally behaved themselves. I finished the tree close to 11.30 pm and kept the music on till about 12.30 but turned down to background noise. I went to bed shortly after that but didn't get any sleep until after 2.30 am. Partly because I was restless and because rage was playing good music.

Yesterday was Lisa's birthday so I spent the day at her place. I could tell that she wasn't in the best of moods and her blog reaffirmed that for me. I think the stresses of Robinson's bookstore were catching up with her and she probably just wanted to either lay down and sleep or read a book or perhaps both. Still family and friends came to spend the day with her and I am glad she decided to stay out with people even if she didn't feel like it. I knew she wasn't mad or upset with my being there which was good as well, again her blog reaffirmed that for me. I am also reminded that I must lend her Blackpool so that she can finish watching it. She has watched the first three episodes at my place at various intervals but she really needs to educated at the awesome perve factor that is David Tennant. The silly creature hasn't seen Casanova either. I know the Blackpool tangent may not make sense but we were on YouTube watching clips. We watched animal from the muppets sing Danny Boy and then we got on to Blackpool clips. Mmm David Tennant singing the Gambler to an icecream cone. Its all good!

So yes a completely fucked up weekend in my opinion with both good and bad points. I didn't get to sleep until about 3 am this morning despite turning the light out around 12 am. I was just too wired.


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