Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wizards Rock!

So HPANA made this big fuss about an upcoming event that happened at 1.30pm our time. Decided to check it because I was really curious. I haven't had this much fun online in ages. They've decided to merge with SPEW and Potter Radio to do Podcasts. Most of the time we weren't even talking about but just really enjoying everyone been online for the event. And I got singled out because of my username and that was by the creater himself Cheeser aka Jeff. Naturally we had to start fangirling him. You could tell it was embarassing him but that he enjoyed it as well. Plus I got a hug from him as well. JK Rowling was on there as well. A lot of us signed in with our hpana usernames including myself hence the reason I got singled out, but she didn't sign up and was invisible. Still we knew she was there because Cheeser confirmed it and said she was following the converstation. I know is sounds weird but it was a little thrilling to know she was following the conversation and may have enjoyed just how nuts we really are.

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