Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yes I know I haven't posted for a while but I have been busy doing other things. We had Christmas of course. I got jewellery, books, an itunes card, a giant plush tiger, a jigsaw mat, a calender and some dvds.

I am thinking that with one of the books I got as well as the dvds that my family thinks I have a rather morbid curiosity. One of the books is called Cannibal Killers and goes into the pyshological backgrounds of reknown canninbalistic murderers and the other is Happy Tree Friends. A violent cartoon series that makes South Park seem tame.

I have also started giving my room a big clean up. I have gotten rid of some books that I don't want anymore both because I have grown out of them and because I had no intention of reading them in the first place.

My room basically looks like a distaster zone right now and I have twisted my ankle a couple times trying to navigate through the mess. My knee has been giving me the shits more though. The other night I was tempted to put some ice on it in the hope that it would help relieve the ache. My knee has been doing the weird wobble thing that basically makes it look like I have jelly instead of a kneecap with bone and cartledge.

I figure the room is going to take at least another three days to complete. After that I intend on doing a lot of reading again. I am thinking of starting at the beginning of the bookshelf and that of course means Harry Potter. I haven't read the series since Deathly Hallows came out and I am starting to miss it. After that of course is the next best series in the world, the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Still getting rid of books means that my bookshelf is looking more empty than usual but that will be fixed over time. I just need Breaking Dawn from the Twilight series and of course I only have Eragon from that series. I have mixed feelings on Twilight. I like it on the whole but the main character Bella Swan pisses me off to no extent. She's a whiny little brat who treats those around her with utter contempt at times. I don't care how brilliant Edward Cullen is and how much she may have OCD aka Obessive Cullen Disorder she's still a fuckwit in my opinion.

I guess the other news is that my friend is now an official bioligical aunt. I say official bioligical because she has family friends with children who call her aunt and some of her foster sister's brothers and sisters children call her aunt as well. Though I don't blame them for that.

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